

About Us


HSRA’s Purpose is to give people an opportunity to experience their environment in a way they may not have had the chance to previously, by going to local attractions and experiencing visually stimulating architecture, art, sculptures and indoor attractions. While also giving an opportunity to build self-esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline while doing community service, volunteer work and humanitarian aid around the community.



volunteers collecting trash on green grass field


photo of person showing old photos


Our Mission

Is to build a positive peer network threw community service work, as well as create lasting and substantially stimulating memories to initiate the positive changes in the brains reward network.


The Compass To Guide The Octagon To Fight




The HSRA Compass started as a 8 topic visual gratifier for clients who have completed these areas of curriculum and has grown in to a 95-topic customizable program. With around 70 trillion program combinations possible, everyone can have a set of compasses all their own.


Hello, my name is Joseph Kennedy and after having gone to a $30,000 for 30-day residential recovery program, I felt robbed of many opportunities that the money could have provided me with. I could have traveled the world; I could have done just about anything. Gone anywhere and helped anyone, with that kind of money in that amount of time. Which is when it dawned on me to begin to work to change the recovery industry by adding more volunteer, community service and humanitarian opportunities which in turn provide people with an opportunity to in the process get to enjoy more visually stimulating attractions both local and a far.

I really love the chance to be beneficial to the community.

While also getting to See Local Attractions, helps me gain experiences to last a lifetime.

“Here we can use our time wisely and get to experience new achievements in the process. “

Joseph Kennedy

Volunteer Since 2023

I began by gathering small groups of interested individuals from local NA groups, drug classes & the Salvation Army. Getting small groups of volunteers for upcoming events. After volunteers successfully complete a volunteer activity they become eligible to be involved in visual attraction part of our program. Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2023 I have paid for all transportation and event tickets for volunteers out of pocket.


With the assistance from organizations, churches and contributors we find global opportunities.


With the right connections and relationships anything is possible threw Christ and community.


The right knowledge leads you to the right future.