


Successive Provisional Displacement

We can greatly improve the success rate of today’s existing substance use recovery industry. By including existing Humanitarian Aid Relief Programs from around the Globe. “First principle representative compend of all modern wisdom relating to the foundations of science occupies in dealing with experience.” It is through positive experiences gained through supporting worldwide Humanitarian Relief Projects people are given a chance to build positive relationships and positive memories. Alcoholics anonymous Chapter 5 PG 58 “Rarely Have we seen person fail who has Thoroughly Followed Our Path. If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to Any Length to get it then you are ready to take certain steps. Some of us have tried to hold to our ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely. But there is one who has all power that one is God. May you find him now.”

“Certainly, the belief held in some quarters, and stated with an air of scientific precision, that the material environment is the active force which is ever urging to new mental development.” “As a member of a social group man is dominated by his ideas of things, and any movement of reform must take cognizance of that fact if it is to cherish reasonable hope of success.” “Motives of Self-interest may enter into the defense of an institution, and in some cases may be responsible for the attempt to plant an institution where it does not exist, but in the main institution persist because of their harmony with a frame of mind that is favorable to their being.” “The outstanding feature of what may be called the natural history of associated life is the way in which biologic processes are gradually dominated by psychologic ones.” “Instead of achieving conquest of his environment by developing an organic structure man creates an inorganic tool.” “In a sense he subdues and molds the environment to his needs, rather than modifies his structure in order to cope with the environments.” “Another Proof that man does best when he limits himself to thinking about what can be done to make human life more controllable and more reasonable.” “What each has by biologic heredity is a given structure that is capacity.” “The direction of that capacity, the command it enables one to acquire over his environment, is in turn determined by the society into which he happens to be born.” “The product of human capacity are the materials of which civilizations built: these products constitute the inheritance which one generation receives from another.” “Whether this inheritance be large or small, simple or complex it is the chief determinate which shapes the personality of each individual.” “Mathew 5:5 Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.” “It is entirely a question of acquiring a new point of view from which to examine the subject.” “We may put it broadly that improvement comes from an enlightened way of looking at things.” “It is Enlightenment of moral sense by the growth of new ideas, by the impact of new and expanding knowledge leading to a revaluation of things that is responsible for change.” “We do not intend to abandon speculation, but to plant it if we can, on a better foundation, and build it up to a better method.” “The condition of social development is the realization that no institution and no teaching is beyond criticism.” “Criticism, rejection and modification are the means by which social progress is achieved.” “It is by criticism of existing ideas and institutions by the rejection of what is incapable of improvement and by the modification of what permits of betterment that we show ourselves worthy of the better traditions of the past and profitable servants of the present and future.” “Our Art, our inventions, our institutions are all so many illustrations of the power of mind in transforming the environment.” “A society shut in on itself is always comparatively unprogressive, and but for the movement of classes would be completely so.” “Their readers find themselves no longer bewildered spectators of a given social wrong but have become conscious of their own hypocrisy in regard to it and they realize that a veritable horror, simply because it was hidden, had come to seem to them inevitable and almost normal.” “After all Human progress is deeply indebted to study of imperfects, and the counsels of despair, if not full of seasoned wisdom, are at least fertile in suggestion and a desperate spur to action.”

 “Sympathetic Knowledge is the only way of approaching to any human problem, and the line of least resistance into the jungle of human wretchedness must always be through that region, which is most thoroughly explored, not only by the information of the statistician, but by sympathetic understanding.” “This ancient evil is indeed social in the sense of community responsibility and can only be understood and at length remedied when we face the fact and measure the resources which may at length be massed against it.” “Perhaps the most striking indication that our generation has become the bearer of a new moral consciousness in regard to the existence of commercialized vice is the fact that the mere contemplation of it throws the more sensitive men and women among our contemporaries into a state of indignant revolt.” “We intend to do this, because until the mental vision be purged of this film of this dark error, it can never clearly behold the intrinsic majesty glory of God’s creation, nor the divine beauty of the plan according to which it is governed.”

The National Institute on Drug Abuse says more than 106,000 persons in the U.S. died from drug-involved overdose in 2021According to the report, around 284 million people aged 15-64 used drugs worldwide in 2020, a 26 per cent increase over the previous decade. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 19.7 million American adults (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in 2017. 15.1 million adults or 1 in 14 aged 26 or older needed substance abuse treatment, only 1.4% or 3 million received treatment. 5.2 million young adults or 1 in 7 aged 18-25 needed substance abuse treatment, only 1.6% or 547,000 received treatment. In 2011, an estimated 2.5 million emergency department (ED) visits resulted from medical emergencies involving drug misuse or abuse. Currently $6,000 is the cost for the cheapest inpatient rehabilitation programs per monthTherapeutic community treatment in 2016 cost between $14,818 and $32,361. Having realized for this kind of money anyone could see a large portion of the best the world has to offer, immediately realizing there are better ways to positively reinforce the recovery scenario. In 2020 total of 3.7 million persons received treatment, but many more need it and facilities are filled to capacity. And with a remittance rate of 70% confirms people end up in some kind of program sometimes dozens of times. Which once again constitutes finances large enough to have traveled around the world. The federal budget for drug control in 2020 was $35 billion. Currently the recovery industry receives 3.3 billion from federal mental health initiatives. In 2017, the cost of drug abuse in the US was nearly $272 billion, taking into account crime, healthcare needs, lost work productivity and other impacts on society. Around 1,106,900 US residents died from drug overdoses from 1968 to 2020. Which is more than the combined total of casualties of American losses for the top ten wars.

Inevitably Propitious Imperative Circumspect Conducive Circumstances Rectifying Immanent Revelatory Exigency Disseminate Exemplar Accrue Adventurous Cumulatively Extraordinary Culminating Perceived Inclination vicissitude.

By Joseph B Kennedy III

Works Cited

Author Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804
Translator Meiklejohn, J. M. D. (John Miller Dow), 1830-1902
Title The Critique of Pure Reason
Language English
LoC Class B: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Subject Knowledge, Theory of
Subject Causation
Subject Reason
Subject Philosophy, German
EBook-No. 4280
Release Date Jul 1, 2003
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.

Author Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804
Editor Carus, Paul, 1852-1919
Title Kant’s Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
Language English
LoC Class B: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Subject Knowledge, Theory of — Early works to 1800
Subject Metaphysics — Early works to 1800
EBook-No. 52821
Release Date Aug 16, 2016
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.

Author Poincaré, Henri, 1854-1912
Author of introduction, etc. Royce, Josiah, 1855-1916
Translator Halsted, George Bruce, 1853-1922
LoC No. 14000204
Title The Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and Method
Language English
Subject Mathematics — Philosophy
EBook-No. 39713
Release Date May 16, 2012
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.

Author Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 1809-1877
LoC No. 31004019
Title A Theodicy, or, Vindication of the Divine Glory
Language English
Subject Theodicy
EBook-No. 27869
Release Date Jan 22, 2009
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.

Author Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
Title A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Language English
Subject Prostitution — Illinois — Chicago
EBook-No. 15221
Release Date Mar 1, 2005
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.